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Redmond West Little League offers baseball for many age brackets by "league age".  League age can be determined by using the age chart below.  NOTE: Girls playing baseball must use the baseball age chart below to determine league age.

Redmond West Little League combines with other area Little Leagues for baseball programs at ages 13-16.  This arrangement changes yearly depending on registrations and interest. Please contact us for more information at [email protected].

Click here to register for Spring 2025 Baseball

Residency Requirements - Baseball

RWLL serves boys and girls from Audubon, Ben Rush, Clara Barton, Einstein, Horace Mann, Redmond and Rockwell Elementary Schools, plus Rose Hill Middle, Redmond Middle and Redmond High Schools. Our league also serves children who live within our boundaries (generally, the 98052 zip code), regardless of which school they attend.

Enter your address here to find your local Little League

If your player played with RWLL last year, you may be able to register with us even if you do not currently meet our Residency
requirements.  If you are interested in this, please contact us for more information at [email protected].

Player AgeDescriptionFee

Rookies Baseball

6-7A Baseball(coach-pitch)$200

AA Baseball(first level kid-pitch)

*7 year-olds must have previously played coach-pitch baseball.

8*-12AAA, Coast, Majors(all kid-pitch)

*8 year-olds must contact the Player Agent to arrange tryout for AAA.


Intermediates Baseball

12 year-olds must play Majors and may optionally play Intermediates, as well. (Fee is $100 for second team.)

13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both. (Fee is $100 for second team.)


Juniors Baseball

13 year-olds may play Intermediates or Juniors or both. (Fee is $100 for second team.)

15-16Seniors Baseball$340

Financial assistance is available

If you have questions or would like information about financial assistance, please contact the RWLL President at [email protected]

Family Maximum

RWLL charges a maximum of $500 per family.  To be eligible for this discount, all players from the same family must be registered and paid using a single registration session.


Refunds will be issued upon timely request, subject to a $25 processing fee.  Baseball and Softball AAA/Coast/Majors refund request deadline is February 1st.  Baseball and Softball Intermediates/Juniors/Seniors refund request deadline is February 15th.  Baseball and Softball A and AA refund request deadline is March 1st. 

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