Website Manager

Apply to be a Manager or Coach

Managers and Coaches are the Heart of Little League!

Coaching isn't easy but doing it well will create memories of a lifetime. Managers and Coaches are the face of Little League and have the most opportunities to positively impact the players.  We recognize how important these volunteers are and provide them with a variety of required training and other support resources to help them have a great season.

We love our Managers and Coaches and the dedication they show all of our kids. We are here--in your corner--to support you and help make this season a great experience for you and your players.  To that end, we have developed the following list of best practices for RWLL Managers and Coaches.

If you have questions or would like some help, please e-mail us.

[email protected]
 [email protected] [email protected]

RWLL Coach's Best Practices

In general - Be Great.  Behave in a manner that leaves every player on your team AND the opponent's team loving baseball and wanting to return next year.

  1. Smile often.  The Manager and the Coaches set the tone for every practice and every game.
  2. Your desire to win should NEVER be at the expense of any player -- there are no exceptions to this rule.
  3. Never favor your own son or daughter.  By playing your child in the "best" positions and batting order, you are signaling to the parents and players that you will favor certain players.  Parents notice everything.
  4. Be a Great Teacher.  Your child's favorite teachers are patient, fun, fair and well-spoken.  They command attention and they lead by example.
  5. Praise the effort of your weakest player MORE than the results of your strongest player.
  6. Managers and Coaches should spend equal time with ALL players.  It's easy to coach your all-star and easy to feel good about his/her exceptional play.  It's harder to coach an athletically-challenged player AND--amid frustration--harder to celebrate his/her efforts.  A successful Coach will work with all players with equal zest and effort.
  7. Smile often.
  8. Effective Managers delegate to Coaches.  If Coaches spend more time with players, then the Manager is free to observe players' practice habits and tweak plans for practices and games.
  9. Managers are responsible for the behavior of their players, coaches and fans.  If anyone affiliated with the team steps out of line, then it is the Manager who must act quickly to effectively correct the problem.  RWLL will hold Managers accountable for problems that arise on their teams.
  10. An effective Manager continuously communicates with the parents throughout the season.  It is up to each Manager how and what they want to communicate to the parents, but lack of communication between a Manager and the parents will almost always result in a negative experience for all.
  11. Make practice fun and challenging.  This means planning out--in advance--each practice.  It also means reviewing what worked and what did not work during the practice and adjusting future plans.  Also, nothing builds up a team and creates friendships faster than pizza in the dugout of popsicles on the bleachers.  It shouldn't be all work and no play.
  12. There is no place for negativity in Little League -- from Coaches or Players.  Nothing unravels a cohesive team faster than Coaches or Player(s) who put down their teammates.
  13. Managers and Coaches should give relentless praise for unsuccessful effort.  Remember, you are helping ALL your players create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. 
  14. At the Rookie Ball, A, AA and AAA levels, the Manager's and Coach's "#1 Job" is to teach life skills to every player, including (but not limited to) how to: win, lose, be a supportive teammate, show tremendous sportsmanship, overcome failure, handle success and fight off boredom in the outfield.  At the Coast and Majors levels, Managers and Coaches need to continue to reinforce those life skills in a competitive baseball environment.
  15. Managers and Coaches of AAA and above should consider a game a failure if it doesn't get to the 6th inning.  Managers should manage the game to accomplish this goal.
  16. Managers and Coaches should never shout in frustration.  Nor should anyone cheer in a manner that might incite opponents or damage their morale.
  17. All Managers at each level should meet at the beginning, middle and end of each season in order to establish good communication and clear expectations.  Honest and direct communication is imperative between rival Managers.  Many Managers and Coaches will be playing against each other for several years, so establishing a respectful and friendly relationship will go a long way toward enhancing the RWLL culture.
  18. Managers and Coaches must manage parents and fans throughout the season.  It is a Manager's responsibility to have parents and fans understand their role in the bleachers: supporting all of the players (both teams), being respectful of the umpires and cheering everyone in an encouraging manner.  Managers should also remind parents and fans what they should not do: yell at umpires, coach players from the bleachers or cheer "against" other teams or players.  It is a really good idea to set these expectations with parents beginning in the first team meeting and to reinforce them throughout the season.
  19. Dugout management (how a dugout functions) is a reflection of the Managers and Coaches.  Great dugout management requires attention to detail and purposeful leadership.  Players should be safe, ready for their assignment, cheering positively and having fun.  Dugout management cannot be done from 3rd base.
  20. Most importantly, Managers and Coaches should lead by example.  They should strive to be the most positive teachers and the most enthusiastic cheerleaders to ALL of their players, on and off the field.  Managers and Coaches should set their own bar high for every practice and every game -- and work their tails off to jump over that bar.
  21. Being a great Manager or Coach is hard work.  Please don't hesitate to ask for help.
  22. Smile often.
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