Players are selected to All-Stars by the Tournament Team Committee, consisting of the Managers of the applicable age divisions of Redmond Baseball, the VP of M/M Baseball, and the Player Agent. The following are criteria for participation in All-Stars:
1. Statement of Player Commitment, submitted by the player and guardian/parent, indicating an interest and commitment to attendance and local travel for tournament play. To be considered for all-stars, player commitment statements must be submitted before the deadline posted above
2. Player’s good standing with respect to minimum number of Little League games played in the current season
- Participated as an eligible player in eight (8) regular-season games by the beginning of the International Tournament, with the exception of the school baseball or softball season.
- Players qualifying under the school exception, must participate in 60% of the games available to them
- There is no minimum game requirement for Seniors
3. Evaluation of the skills and abilities of each player who submits a Statement of Player Commitment, via the following:
- Observations of the player’s current baseball manager
- Observations of other managers whose teams played against the player during the current season
- Verification of age and residence by District 9 Little League (post-selection, pre-tournament) for the applicable age division
4. Availability: conflicts in your schedule must be declared in your letter of commitment as availability will be factored into a players selection. The experience of all-stars is as much learning to form a team as it is succeeding in the tournament. Therefore 100% commitment is expected at all practices, tournaments, workshops and games.
5. Excused absences include
- A family medical emergency
- An absence acknowledged in advance on the letter of player commitment form
6. Unexcused absences, at the discretion of the team manager and Redmond Baseball VP