The League provides each volunteer umpire with their own hat and shirt. The League also has shared shin guards, chest protectors, masks, baseball runner flag, a plate brush, a ball bag and indicators that can be used during games and returned after games.
Beginning umpires: please buy your own gray slacks, a red under shirt to go with the navy blue umpire shirts, and wear black sneakers. A belt is needed for the home plate umpires' ball bag.
The League offers umpire gear incentives to volunteer umpires. For every 8 games you work, you can reimburse the League $50 spent on your own umpire gear. Work with your Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) to confirm games in Arbiter and email the paid receipt(s) with your name and street address to your UIC.
SPECIAL: Sign up for 12 or more RWLL baseball or softball games in Arbiter, and the League will reimburse you $110 towards umpire gear. Work with your UIC to confirm you have 12+ games scheduled in Arbiter and email the receipt(s) with your name and street address to your UIC.
Recommended vendors are:
Risan Athletics [Kirkland/Redmond border]
- Get pants, leather belt, red undershirt and protective cup.
Shop online at Umpire Attire or Honig’s:
- Good for field shoes (black, low rise) and plate shoes (black).
- Good for socks, Under-Armor shirts (wear under the umpire shirt), umpire jackets and other umpire accessories.