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Umpires Information

Get in the game and make a difference.

Redmond West Little League baseball and softball games are umpired by volunteers – people like you and me who want to support the community, our kids and neighbors, and a non-profit program. Each team is expected to provide 1 or 2 volunteer umpires. Volunteer umpires are moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and friends.

Redmond West Little League provides pre-season training and ongoing education to volunteer umpires. This approach has proven successful, with League umpires consistently selected to umpire District and State all-star games. These umpires will help beginning umpires be successful learning to umpire baseball and softball games.

For the first few weeks of the Spring season, umpire mentors will join new umpires at the field. Experienced umpires will be on-hand at games umpired by beginner volunteer umpires to help them through their game.

Umpire training: 60-foot baseball and softball

Virtual and on-field trainings are organized for umpires each year in March. If you would like to view recent decks and/or recorded training (~90 minutes) scroll down to the bottom of this page.

If you were unable to attend a training session this year, please each out to our Redmond West Umpire in Chief (UIC) at [email protected] and they can arrange a private session for you and get you up to speed.

Advanced umpire and Big Diamond umpire training

For returning umpires with more than 30 games experience, and those who want to umpire on the big diamond please reach out to the Redmond West UIC at [email protected]

Washington District 9 umpire home page is here. You’ll find training dates and materials, rules, links to equipment suppliers, D9 umpire staff.

Junior Umpire Program

Teenage young men and women can fulfill their community service credits by being a volunteer Little League umpire for softball and baseball games at Hartman Park.

Why? Help the community; help the team of your younger brother or sister; help your neighbor’s team.

Umpire Field Mechanics Diagram

www.littleleagueumpiring101.comSelf-paced training website with graphics and instructional videos for new and beginning Little League volunteer umpires. Read about little league baseball rules and umpire mechanics in more common language than you’ll find in the official rules book (aka, green book). The author, Nick G, umpires little league in WA state.

Umpire Gear and Reimbursement Program

The League provides each volunteer umpire with their own hat and shirt. The League also has shared shin guards, chest protectors, masks, baseball runner flag, a plate brush, a ball bag and indicators that can be used during games and returned after games.

Beginning umpires:  please buy your own gray slacks, a red under shirt to go with the navy blue umpire shirts, and wear black sneakers. A belt is needed for the home plate umpires' ball bag.

The League offers umpire gear incentives to volunteer umpires. For every 8 games you work, you can reimburse the League $50 spent on your own umpire gear. Work with your Umpire-in-Chief (UIC) to confirm games in Arbiter and email the paid receipt(s) with your name and street address to your UIC.

SPECIAL: Sign up for 12 or more RWLL baseball or softball games  in Arbiter, and the League will reimburse you $110 towards umpire gear.  Work with your UIC to confirm you have 12+ games scheduled in Arbiter and email the receipt(s) with your name and street address to your UIC. 

Recommended vendors are:

Risan Athletics [Kirkland/Redmond border]

  • Get pants, leather belt, red undershirt and protective cup.

Shop online at Umpire Attire  or Honig’s:

  • Good for field shoes (black, low rise) and plate shoes (black).
  • Good for socks, Under-Armor shirts (wear under the umpire shirt), umpire jackets and other umpire accessories.

New to baseball and softball?

Many parents who are new to baseball and softball have learned the game and umpired games. Here are some useful resources to learn the game.

Baseball Rules Whiteboard Video: Watch the YouTube video here of a European explain the rules of the professional game of baseball. It’s not specific to Little League, but it’s an entertaining introduction to the game.

Baseball player positions explained:  Watch this YouTube video here to learn the player positions for baseball and softball. This video is specific to professional baseball so not all details (like designated hitter, substations) are applicable to Little League Baseball. 

Example inning (part one of two):  Watch this YouTube video here of a gentleman explaining how an inning of baseball or softball could progress. 

2015 Little League World Series highlights: Watch this YouTube video. The best little league baseball teams from the U.S. and outside the U.S make it here. Only the best volunteer umpires work these games. Watch what they do before and after batted balls.

How to play baseball: Watch this YouTube video here.

New Umpire training March 6th, 2023

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